Case Event Classification

The document is a sort of operational handbook in which questions regarding the correct classification of events are set out, as well as the responses provided by an had hoc DIPO committee. These questions are sent by members through an appropriate form and pertain to doubts regarding the census and classification of problematic events (identifying the correct amount of losses or the sound BL and ET.

The urgent questions contained in the document are basically description of events that could potentially occur in various entities reporting to DIPO. The urgent nature of this matter is due to the need to promptly disseminate information on the correct census and the most appropriate classification by all members. With respect to the other questions sent, the ad hoc DIPO commettee tries to agree on a common position by the end of the month following the one in which the question was sent.

The document is regularly updated by the ad hoc committee in which representatives from 5 members participate in rotation.

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